Carbon emissions

  • Energy efficiency in industry | SPIE

    Industrial sites often face the dual challenge of reducing carbon emissions while simultaneously increasing production. Using energy saving and predictive maintenance technologies to optimise operations, SPIE works alongside its industrial customers to increase their energy efficiency while reducing costs and the environmental impact of their sites
  • Remote working | SPIE

    The increase in remote work arrangements has the added benefit of reducing carbon emissions from daily commutes and business trips. SPIE's range of solutions to facilitate remote work allows customers to equip their workforce with the means, equipment and technology needed to work anywhere, anytime and from any device
  • Water treatment: protecting the climate with solar-thermal drying | SPIE

    Beyond its obvious importance for local water quality, what is the broader environmental relevance of sewage sludge management- e.g. in reducing carbon emissions?... This is another source of carbon dioxide emissions which we will now be tackling with the new solar-thermal drying facility
  • SPIE Develops Unique Engineering Solution for the Shell Centre; Protecting the River Thames Aquatic life | SPIE

    Our river filtration engineering solution saved the firm over £ 1m, kept the entire programme on track, and protects aquatic life in the River Thames, whilst assisting in the reduction of carbon emissions. Contacts
  • Martijn de Ruijter, solutions-oriented optimist | SPIE

    As part of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, signatories agreed to set specific targets for cutting carbon emissions. The Netherlands has identified existing buildings as a key area for reductions- and passed legislation to force owners to act
  • Economy | SPIE

    In terms of carbon emissions, SPIE's objective by 2025 is to source two-thirds of its purchases from suppliers who are equally committed to substantially reducing their carbon footprint. Business ethics: a code of conduct in the workplace
  • Mobility | SPIE

    Reducing the carbon emissions from both individual and collective transportation is an urgent challenge of the energy transition. SPIE's range of services help its customers create more efficient mobility, paving the way towards a net-zero society
  • Values & ethics | SPIE

    This respect also applies to the environment and drives our desire to be exemplary in managing our carbon emissions. The proof?
  • Energy performance | SPIE

    Poor energy efficiency causes significant waste of resources and contributes to carbon emissions. Thanks to innovative digital technology, energy performance can be optimised, reducing waste and energy costs while accelerating the energy transition
  • New lighting at Heart of Midlothian Football Club will help climate take it to extra time | SPIE

    We are pleased to help them significantly reduce their energy expenditure and carbon emissions. There were challenges with the Scottish weather and working under COVID- 19 secure measures, but the team completed the upgrade to the highest standard